Compost to the Rescue: 3 reasons to fix the soil and save the planet
Want to store more carbon? Fix the soil. Reduce runoff and degrade pollutants? Fix the soil. How to fix the soil? Use compost.
Fostering better principles and practices around land management that harness the power of the earth to capture and convert CO2 to plant matter and soil organic matter.
Compost to the Rescue: 3 reasons to fix the soil and save the planet
Want to store more carbon? Fix the soil. Reduce runoff and degrade pollutants? Fix the soil. How to fix the soil? Use compost.
Fighting climate change with better soil management
Better soil management, including compost use, is the easiest, cheapest weapon to wield in the fight against climate change.
Below the plow layer: Managing soil for deep carbon storage
It may be called carbon "farming," but deep soil carbon sequestration can be achieved on the farm and beyond.
Global warming — Earth’s ‘carb’ overload
The reason for global warming doesn’t matter. What does matter is that humans can fix it. Compost use is part of the solution.
Can compost and perennial food crops save the planet?
A match made in food science heaven has the potential to forever change agriculture’s environmental impact.
Can compost use impact deep-soil carbon storage?
Every plot of land, from lawns to 1,000-acre spreads, can become a candidate for deep-soil carbon storage.
Can organic waste help green the Sahara for carbon storage?
Slightly more than half of current U.S. agricultural acreage could offer enough carbon storage potential to feed the hungry and save the planet.